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Message CTM262W Summary

Whenever message CTM262W is displayed, wait one or two minutes. If the message continues to be displayed every few seconds for the same job, perform the following steps:

Note: To stop the message from being displayed on the operator console while you are checking the problem, hold the job order in the Control‑M Active Environment screen (Screen 3). Release it when you have resolved the problem.

  1. Issue JES2 commands $DJnnn and $LJnnn, and scan the results.
  2. Check if the job’s output is in held class (the job waits for print). If it is, the Control‑M monitor cannot analyze the output, so you must analyze it manually. Print or purge the output of the job. Make sure that the job order in Control‑M is not HELD. Wait about a minute until the status of the job changes to DISAPPEARED. Manually add or delete prerequisite conditions according to the result of the run using the IOA Conditions/Resources screen (Screen 4).

    To stop the message from being displayed on the operator console while you are checking the problem, hold the job order in the Active Environment screen. Remember to release it once you have resolved the problem.

  3. If the job is "waiting for output processing," check if the job (not the output) is held (by a previously issued $HJ command). If the job is held, release it using JES2 command $AJnn.
  4. If the job is "waiting for output processing" by a system ID that is currently not active, try to resolve the problem using JES command $TJnn.

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