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CMEM Diagnostic Tests

This section describes basic tests for locating installation problems in the Control‑M CMEM facility.

The CMEM facility requires the proper setup and functioning of the following major components:

Perform the tests only after the CMEM has been fully installed. Corrections to installation parameters can be made either manually in the corresponding members, or by using ICE.

  1. Before testing, check that

    This attribute is only available for Control‑O monitor starts.

    For details about installation requirements to activate CMEM, see

    For information on changing CMEM-related parameters, see the INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide: Installing.

  2. Stop the CMEM monitors (if active) in all CPUs, using the following operator command:


  3. If member IOACPRM was corrected, stop and restart the Control‑M monitor.
  4. Start CMEM in all CPUs where it must run by issuing the following operator command in each CPU:


    If CTMCMEM successfully initialized, the following messages appear in the CTMCMEM job log:

    CTM227I IOA subsystem "I600" initialization of Control‑M functions completed.

    CTO147I CTMCMEM - initialization complete. Type=CTMCMEM,SUB=JES2, RUN#=0001

  5. Submit a test job to evaluate whether CMEM as a whole functions properly. You should perform the basic test described in Step 1 above.

    Note: IOA Exit 7 and Control‑M Exit 1 receive control before the condition is added or deleted or the table is ordered (respectively). If you use a localized version of these exits, make sure that the exits perform the localized corrections.

  6. Change the definitions in the CMEM Rule table, or add new events. Define events to test all event types: JOBARRIVAL, JOBEND, DSNEVENT and STEP. For information on changing the CMEM Rule table, see the online facilities chapter of the Control‑M for z/OS User Guide.
  7. Issue the operator command F CONTROLM,NEWCONLIST to cause CMEM to reload the updated CMEM Rule tables in all CPUs.

    This command must be issued only in the CPU where the Control‑M monitor is active. It must be issued each time that the CMEM rule tables are modified, and can also be issued to test if the Control‑M monitor and the CMEM monitors communicate with each other.

    The command is directed to the Control‑M monitor. After several seconds, the monitor must issue the message


    After several more seconds, the CMEM monitors must issue the message


  8. Submit jobs to test all the event types as defined in step 5 above.
  9. If CMEM does not work properly, and the reason for the error was not located while performing the steps mentioned so far, produce and save the following documentation:
    1. Create a dump of the subsystem communication files (Monitor-to-Subsystem file, and all Subsystem-to-Monitor files). The dump can be created using utility IDCAMS, with the following statements:

      PRINT IFILE(ddname1) DUMP (subsys-to-monitor file)
      PRINT IFILE(ddname2) DUMP (monitor-to-subsys file)

      A sample JCL member can be found in member LISTFILE of the IOA JCL library.

    2. Save the part of the MVS syslog that contains the entire test.
    3. Print the rule table.
    4. Save the IOA log of the entire test. If the IOA log is printed using KSL or Screen 5, use the SHOW command and specify Y in all CM and CO+CMEM options before printing the log.
    5. Print members CTMPARM, IOAPARM and IOACPRM in the IOA PARM library.

    After saving this documentation, contact your BMC Customer Support with an exact description of the problem.

Parent Topic

Problem Determination