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MVS allocates the region size specified for the CMEM monitor unless a local exit (for example, IEALIMIT, IEFUSI, or another MVS or JES exit) is used to limit the region size of jobs and/or started tasks at the site.

Depending on the value of the REGION parameter in the EXEC DD statement, some MVS versions determine and calculate the amount of the allocated region above the line. In case of doubt, see the REGION parameter of the EXEC DD statement in the JCL Reference Guide for your operating system level.

Message IEF374I in the third SYSOUT of the CMEM monitor indicates the amount of virtual storage used by the CMEM monitor. Compare the information in this message with the existing region size definition.

If sufficient virtual storage is not available for the CMEM monitor, use on-site performance tools to determine if the specified region size was rejected by MVS (for example, using a local exit).

Parent Topic

Private REGION Requirements of the CMEM Monitor