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Download Job Filtering

Sometimes it is necessary to manually prevent a specific job from being downloaded to Control-M/EM, because the job definition causes problems on the Control‑M/EM database or because it caused CTMAS to abend during the previous download. In the latter case, the CTMPARM parameter DWNLDERR can be set to value EMX (the default value) in order to automatically exclude the job from the next download when CTMAS is restarted.

Alternatively, the LOG value can be specified for the DWNLDERR parameter, in which case a message is written to the IOA log indicating which job was being processed at the time of the abend, but the job is not excluded from the next download.

In order to manually prevent a specific job from being downloaded to Control‑M/EM, the EMDOWNLD service of the CTMAPI utility can be used to perform such an action. EMDOWNLD provides the following functions:

For information on the format of commands using the CTMAPI utility, please see the Control-M for z/OS User Manual.

Example 1:

Prevent download of job: Orderid 000DB


Example 2:

Allow download of job: Member name BR14


Parent Topic

The Download Process