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Recovery Procedure Using Enhanced Checkpointing

Note: When a SMART Table is ordered, the values in the second Date Control record will be those of the SMART Table Entity, even if a failure occurs in one of the SMART Table’s jobs.

The program passes over the jobs in the input tables, counting the jobs and comparing the count to the value in the SERIAL_NO field, until the count and serial number match. The matching job is selected.

The program then compares the values in the JOB and GROUP fields to the values belonging to the selected job. If the fields do not match, error message CTMD67S is issued and processing terminates.

If a problem is encountered in Newday processing related to job ordering, the Newday procedure can be rerun using the ORDERONLY parameter as follows:


The job can be run while the Control-M monitor is active.

Parent Topic

Date Control Records and Enhanced Daily Checkpointing