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Programs Called During New Day Processing

The most important programs in New Day processing are CTMILZ and CTMILU.

Programs CTMILZ and CTMILU both execute other programs that implement New Day processing. The programs called by CTMILZ and CTMILU are listed in the table below. Both CTMILZ and CTMILU read the member referenced by DD statement DAPROG and activate the programs listed in the member.

The following table describes the format for each record in the program list:

Table 100 Column Format for Program List Records




Program name


Maximum return code allowable in the preceding program

If a higher return code is encountered in the preceding program, the current program is not executed.


Program arguments

The following table shows the programs called by program CTMILZ (the New Day procedure) and by program CTMILU (User Daily jobs).

Table 101 Programs Called by New Day Procedure and User Daily Jobs




(called by CTMILZ and by CTMILU)

Checks the current date and its relation to the Date Control record (described in the topic Use of the Date Control Record by User Daily Jobs. When called by CTMILZ, the program always prompts the operator to verify that Control‑M is activated on the correct date.

When called by CTMILU, the program prompts the operator to verify that Control‑M is activated on the correct date only if the value CONFIRM is specified as the program argument (anywhere within columns 13 through 72).


(called by CTMILZ)

Reformats the Control‑M Active Jobs file, Control-M History Jobs file, and the IOA Conditions file:

Control‑M Active Jobs File

By default (that is, if no SELECT or IGNORE statements are specified), the following jobs are erased from the Active Jobs file and the file is compressed:

  • Jobs that have already executed and ended OK (regardless of parameter MAXWAIT).
  • Job whose MAXWAIT parameter has been exceeded.
  • Emergency jobs that are not needed.
  • Activate the AJF Space Reuse facility if requested.
  • Jobs for which MAXWAIT=99 is specified are not automatically erased from the Active Jobs file. For more information, see SELECT and IGNORE Statements.

Control-M History Jobs File

Compresses the Control‑M History Jobs file (if activated) by removing jobs whose retention criteria (RETENTION – # OF DAYS or GENERATIONS TO KEEP) have been exceeded.

IOA Conditions File

This program erases all prerequisite conditions whose data is the same as the new Control‑M working date (that is, this program erases all prerequisite conditions of the coming execution date).


  • When a job is ordered with a future date (that is, by using the 'Wait for ODATE' feature), the conditions associated with this job that specify a date reference of ODAT are resolved with that future date. This may lead to the conditions being prematurely deleted by the New Day procedure. To prevent this, the user should include the statement


    as input to the New Day procedure via the DAFRMIN DD statement. For more information, see "Implementing New Day Processing."

  • Do not keep prerequisite conditions in the IOA Conditions file for more than one year. Otherwise, jobs may be submitted for execution due to prerequisite conditions set on the same date in the preceding year.

At start of execution, this program creates a backup copy of the Active Jobs file (BKP file) for recovery purposes.


(called by CTMILZ and by CTMILU)

Places job orders in the Active Jobs file according to the date in the Date Control record and the data in the tables supplied.


(called by CTMILZ and by CTMILU)

Marks the end of the Daily run.

If History Jobs file processing is enabled, program CTMFRM is run again using program CTMILZ, this time against the History Jobs file, as shown in the above table.

If Control-M/Restart is installed or the History feature is activated, steps DELARCH and CLRHIST are run after the conclusion of program CTMILZ, as shown in the following table:

Table 102 Additional Steps Executed by New Day Procedure if Control-M/Restart Is Installed or the History feature is activated




Deletes archived SYSDATA (CDAM files) of jobs that were deleted from the Active Jobs file by program CTMFRM according to the following logic:

  • Since a CDAM file may contain output of many jobs, any given CDAM file will only be deleted when none of the outputs that it contains are needed anymore. If at least one job output is still needed, the whole CDAM file is not deleted.
  • The determinants for keeping/deleting job output are the Control-M MAXDAYS/MAXRUNS parameters in the job scheduling definition or the default settings established in the CTRPARM member of the IOA PARM library.
  • As long as a job remains in Active Jobs file or History Jobs file, the output of its last run is kept. Therefore, the whole CDAM Archive File that contains this output is not deleted.
  • The Control-M RETENTION (days/generations) job parameter determines how long a job is retained in the History Jobs file. This does not directly impact the retention of CDAM job outputs, unless the output of its last run is retained (together with the CDAM file that contains it) while the job resides in the History file.
  • When the CTMFRM program deletes the last reference to a CDAM file from the AJF/HST file (see Table 101 above), the name of this file is added to the JOBLIST (scratch list) data set. CTMDAS scans all files in JOBLIST and, for every file, it checks whether it is referenced from the AJF/HST (that is, whether it contains any output to be saved). If not, CTMDAS attempts to delete the file.
  • The name of a CDAM file will appear in the JOBLIST file only when CTMFRM deletes the last reference to this file. If, for example, the user reformats the AJF/HST file or reinstalls Control-M, any remaining 'orphaned' CDAM files (not referenced from the AJF/HST) will not be deleted.


Deletes expired jobs from the History Jobs file.

The following table shows the additional step that is run to copy the Control-M Journaling file:

Table 103 Additional Step Executed by New Day Procedure if the Control-M Journaling feature Is Activated




Copies the Control-M Journaling file to a backup file (via CLIST CTMCJNL).

Parent Topic

Job Ordering using New Day Processing