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The Control‑M monitor is usually activated as a started task and remains active 24 hours a day. At a set time each day (defined using installation parameters), New Day processing is performed by the Control‑M monitor.

New Day processing consists of both automatic cleanup from the previous day’s job ordering and automatic ordering of jobs for the New Day.

The main components related to New Day processing are

New Day processing is completely automated through the use of the New Day procedure and User Daily jobs. The main purpose of the New Day procedure and User Daily jobs is to call programs that

Both the New Day procedure and each User Daily job must have its own Date Control record. A Date Control record is a member in the Control‑M PARM library in which relevant date information is placed during New Day processing. This date information is used to manage job orders.

Selection of jobs is based on the Date Control record, the current date and the Basic Scheduling parameters of the jobs in the tables. Any time the User Daily job is run, the current working date is placed in the Date Control record. The Basic Scheduling parameters of each job in the table are checked against this date to determine if the job must be placed in the Active Jobs file.

The following figure shows New Day Processing:

Figure 21 New Day Processing

Linked JPEG File Template INControl

New Day processing generally works as follows:

  1. The New Day procedure is performed each day at a predefined time. The New Day procedure:

    Schedules User Daily jobs

    Schedules maintenance jobs. These jobs call programs that perform cleanup after the previous day’s processing.

  2. User Daily jobs (scheduled by the New Day procedure) select and schedule all other jobs for that day.

    The following figure shows New Day Procedure and User Daily Jobs:

    Figure 22 New Day Procedure and User Daily Jobs


Parent Topic

Job Ordering using New Day Processing