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Refreshing the CMEM Security Cache

CMEM security modules use a security block to identify each user for which an authority check is performed. The first time a user’s security authorization is checked, CMEM creates a security block for that user. The security block can then optionally be saved for the next time the user’s security authorization is checked. Security blocks saved for subsequent checks are kept in the CMEM security cache.

The CMEM security cache holds security blocks for the last 30 users whose security authorization was checked.

Changes made to a user’s security authorization (since the last time that the user’s security block was created) are not automatically included in the user’s security block in the CMEM security cache. However if a user’s security authorization has been changed, and there is no security block in the CMEM security cache for that user, changes made to the user’s security authorization is in effect the next time the user’s security authorization is checked.

To immediately include new user authorization information in the CMEM security cache, refresh the security cache using the following operator command:


This command refreshes all user authorization information in the CMEM security cache.

When the modification is accepted, the following message is displayed on the operator console:


Parent Topic

Managing the CMEM Facility