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A set of selection criteria are specified for the Rule Search API using an RSO block. This block is passed to the API and is mapped by the CTTRSO dsect. For information on how to set the RSO block, see the CTTRSO dsect in the IOA MACRO library.

Below is an example of how information can be specified in an RSO block.

Figure 95 Information Specified in an RSO Block

             SPACE 1

             MVI   MYRSO,C' '             Clear RSO block

             MVC   MYRSO+1(L'MYRSO-1),MYRSO

             LA    R3,MYRSO

             USING RSO,R3

             MVC   RSODSN,MYDSN           Specify ON DATASET criteria

             MVC   RSOVOL,MYVOL           Specify ON VOLUME criteria

             DROP  R3




    MYDSN    DC    CL44’MY.FILE’

    MYVOL    DC    CL6’VOL001’

             SPACE 1

The Rule Search API scans Control‑M/Tape rules currently in memory, and determines which actions (DO statements) are invoked by the specified selection criteria. The Rule Search API needs the address of the Real‑Time TCT in order to determine the address of the currently loaded rules in memory. The address of the Real‑Time TCT must be included in the CALL statement used to invoke the Rule Search API.

Use the CTTGTCT macro to determine the address of the Real‑Time TCT. For more information, see Obtaining the Address of the Real-Time TCT

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Rule Search API