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Logical Field Names for the Control-M/Tape Repository

The tables in this section list fields that can be

These tables specify field names according to record type. Each table contains data for every field.

Table 300 Field Names According to Record Type


Description and Valid Values

External Name

Field name as specified by the user. Either of two types of data can be specified. Valid values:

Keyword value - Specific valid values. Shown in uppercase (for example, CYCLE, DATE, JCL). Non-trivial values are accompanied by a description in the Description column of the table.

Value type - Shown in lowercase (for example, char, integer, date). The following table describes these value types. If relevant, the maximum length of the value is displayed in parentheses next to the value type.

Note: Hexadecimal values must be prefixed with an X (for example, DVLRBA=X01234567 instead of DVLRBA=01234567) except in relation to VER and REP fields.


Brief description of the field. This column also contains a description of any specific values specified in the Valid Values column.

Internal Name

Name used in the macro to reference the field.

The following table briefly describes the value types that can be specified in the Valid Values column:

Table 301 Value Types in the Valid Values Column




Hexadecimal character format (valid characters: 0 through 9, A through F). Maximum length indicated in parentheses.


Valid formats are: yymmdd or yyyymmdd. The following keywords are also valid:

  • %CDAY - Current day (today).
  • %PDAY - Previous day (yesterday).
  • %NDAY - Next day (tomorrow).
  • %PWEEK - Previous week.
  • %NWEEK - Next week.
  • %PMONTH - Previous month (30 days).


Free character format. Maximum length indicated in parentheses. The specified character string can include masking characters. For more information about masking characters, see the online facilities chapter in the Control‑M/Tape User Guide.

%NMONTH - Next month (30 days).


The valid format is hhmmss.

julian date

Valid formats are yyddd or yyyyddd. Special values (for example, 98000, 99000) are also supported.


Numeric value.


Either a date value or an integer value can be specified. Date values must be prefixed by D (for example, format Dyyyymmdd). Integer values must be prefixed by I (for example, I35). By default (that is, if no prefix is specified), the value is assumed to be a date.

The foregoing values can be used in the following table types: