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The first step in using Control‑M/Tape is to initialize Control‑M/Tape in each system. This is done by the CTTINIT procedure. Control‑M/Tape is usually initialized as part of the IPL process. The following table lists and describes the steps that the CTTINIT procedure performs to establish the Control‑M/Tape Real‑Time environment:

Table 216 CTTINIT initialization steps




Issues the CTT809I information message to indicate that Control-M/Tape initialization is started


Creates the main Control-M/Tape Control Table (TCT).


Uses the TSSALLOC parameter values to dynamically create the Control-M/Tape sub-system.


Uses the DYNSVC parameter values to dynamically define the Control-M/Tape SVC number, which is specified as the SVCNUM installation parameter


Uses the DYNWTO parameter values to establish the WTO (Write to Operator) Intercept so that mount messages can be modified


Establishes the VOLSTAT Intercept so that I/O statistics will be gathered into the Media database.


Dynamically installs the Fast-Positioning hook into MVS module that resides in the LPA
This hook remains until a termination process is run.


Uses the DYNINTR parameter settings to dynamically install the MVS Tape Label Processing Exits
These exits remain until a termination process is run.


Opens the following Control-M/Tape files, which are necessary for the Real-Time environment, and creates DCB for each file in the Common Storage Area (CSA):

  • Media Database
  • Trace file
  • Stacking Database


Loads Control-M/Tape modules that are required by the real time environment into the Common Storage Area (CSA)


Uses the STKALCD installation parameter settings to dynamically install the MVS IEFDB401 exit


Creates the ASID block in the Common Storage Area (CSA)
This block is internally used by the Control-M/Tape real time environment.


Loads Control-M/Tape rules, pool definitions, view definitions, and vault definitions into Common Storage Area (CSA)


Indicates, in the main Control-M/Tape Control Table (TCT), if Dynamic Stacking is required


Initializes the Control-M/Tape sub-system


Indicates, in the main Control-M/Tape Control Table (TCT), that Control-M/Tape is active

The STEPLIB DD statement must not be removed from the CTTINIT procedure. The CTTINIT procedure does not function properly if this DD statement is removed.

The Control-M/Tape Control Table (TCT) is a block of information that contains key control data and pointers, and resides in the Common Storage Area (CSA). Its address is used by all real-time components, such as the Control-M/Tape SVC and the sub-system, and certain other components, such as EDM expiration exits. All activity starts from the TCT, which contains pointers to all Control-M/Tape tables and modules in storage. The TCT, along with its related routines, remains in common storage until Control-M/Tape is shut down.

Upon completion of the initialization process, the Control‑M/Tape Real‑Time environment is established and Control‑M/Tape takes control of removable media processing. After initialization, no address space is needed for the Control‑M/Tape environment, with the exception of the IOA Functional monitor (IOAFMON), if you need automated tape library support or if you need to perform IOA functions such as sending and receiving Shout messages. For more information about the IOA Functional monitor, see IOA Concepts and Components.

Parent Topic

Control-M/Tape Real-Time Environment