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Control-O/IMS Interface

Although regular Control‑O processing can handle IMS messages that are sent to the MVS console, most IMS messages are not sent to the MVS console. IMS messages that are not sent to the MVS console are sent to an internal component called the Automated Operations Interface (AOI). The Control‑O/IMS interface enables you to retrieve and respond to these messages.

Depending on the IMS version in use at your site, one of the following IMS AOI programs is used to handle messages:

Table 208 IMS AOI Programs for Handling Messages




This exit does not handle messages and commands in IMS DBCTL (the IMS address space in the CICS environment).


This exit handles messages in all IMS address spaces.

These programs are supplied with Control‑O and are implemented during Control‑O installation. These programs intercept IMS messages sent to the IMS Automation Interface and pass them to Control‑O WTO executor module CTOWTO. The CTOWTO module determines whether the message must be untouched, changed, or suppressed.

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