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Multiple Rule Table Lists for CMEM Rules

Parameter CMORDER specifies the name of the member that contains the CMEM list (that is, the list of CMEM rule tables to be loaded by Control‑O upon startup). It is usually recommended that you list all CMEM rule tables in one list. The default name for the member containing this list is IOACMEML. However, it is sometimes recommended that you list certain rule tables separately.

Control‑O does not start to analyze CMEM events until it has finished loading all rule tables in the CMEM list specified using parameter CMORDER. If a large number of rules have been defined at your site, Control‑O may not detect some CMEM events during the beginning of the IPL process.

To ensure detection of all CMEM events, it is recommended that you place CMEM rules to be triggered during the IPL process in a separate list in member IOAIPLCM, and that you specify this list using parameter CMORDER. Rule tables specified in this way are loaded and activated during the startup process.

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