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Example 4


Loads tables whose names start with any character followed by the string "CICS" from CTO.PROD.RULES.

If the table has already been loaded by Control‑O, the new copy of the table replaces all the rules of the table active under the Control‑O monitor.

If you want to replace all the tables under Control‑O with the list of tables specified in DD statement DARULLST, use operator command


Note: If you specify ALL, each table is ordered or forced according to its FORCE/NOFORCE specification in the rule list as defined in DD statement DARULLST.

If you specify the REBUILD option, all previously loaded rules are deleted. This option must be specified when using calendar-dependent rules.

If you omit the REBUILD option, previously loaded rules are either replaced by new copies of the rules or left unchanged.

The CMEM table is reloaded automatically when ALL is specified.

The process of loading the rule is performed by the Control‑O monitor. The user must then check the result of the process in the IOA Log and in the Control‑O monitor SYSPRINT.

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