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Rule Scheduling

Control‑O is usually started at an early stage of IPL and remains active until shutdown. Most rules behave the same on any date. However, it is sometimes necessary to schedule different rules for different dates. For example, you may want to trigger one response to a certain message on a regular working date and a different response to the same message on the first day of a month.

Under Control‑O, you can define scheduling parameters for rules. For example, a rule can be scheduled for a specific date only. The scheduling criteria of rules are checked when a rule is ordered (either automatically or manually).

If a rule is subject to scheduling criteria, these criteria must be checked daily, and the rule loaded and activated only if it must be scheduled according to its scheduling criteria. You should reload rules on a daily basis using a time‑initiated command (rule) that issues the following order command for all Control‑O tables at a specified time of day:


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