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Starting Control-O

Control‑O is usually started at an early stage of the IPL process. Once initialized, Control‑O can automate certain parts of the IPL process. To use Control‑O for automating parts of the IPL process, member COMMNDnn (where nn is either the number specified in member IEASYS in SYS1.PARMLIB, or 00) in the SYS1.PARMLIB library must contain the following command:


The SUB and OUTLIST parameters are required to start Control‑O before JES has been brought up. The ORDER and TYPE parameters are optional. For more information about these parameters, and how and when to start Control‑O, see Recommended Organization Method.

If you do not plan to use Control‑O to automate the IPL process, Control‑O can still be started during IPL, after JES has been brought up, by adding the following command to member COMMNDnn in the SYS1.PARMLIB library:


It is also possible to manually issue the above mentioned operator commands.

CMEM users:

If Control‑M is installed, Control‑O assumes responsibility for the functions of the CMEM facility. Therefore, it is important to verify that the CMEM monitor (CTMCMEM) is down before the Control‑O procedure is started.

For sites with CMEM rules that are to be implemented (triggered) in the early stages of the IPL process, command member COMMNDnn in SYS1.PARMLIB must contain the following command:


For more information about the parameters in the above statement, and how and when to start Control‑O, see Recommended Organization Method.

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