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Message Destination Parameters in IOAPARM

After completing installation, but before sending messages, you must define the appropriate parameters in the IOAPARM member in the IOA PARM library. For email messages, specify the parameters in the MAIL section of IOAPARM describe in the table. For SNMP messages, specify the parameters in the SNMP section of IOAPARM described in the second table. A sample MAIL section of the IOAPARM member is shown below.

Table 55 Parameters in the MAIL section of the IOAPARM member




Global parameter. 1 through 8 characters. Has the same value that the ExtWrtName parameter is set to in the CSSMTP configuration. If ExtWrtName is omitted, then by default, SMTPNAME is equal to the local SMTP STC name. Mandatory.


Global parameter. 1 through 50 characters. The default suffix of the local company e-mail address, in the format Mandatory.

Note: Do not include the @ character.


This field can hold up to 60 characters. The default full Reply To email address.

On replying, this parameter overrides the From address and can be used where a possible reply to an actual address is needed.


This field can hold up to 25 characters.

This parameter enables the site to set a default sender name to be used in the FROM line of all emails sent by the INCONTROL monitors (for example, Control-M monitor) using the DO MAIL function.

If this parameter does not appear in the MAILDEST parameter member or if it is left empty, the rule or job owner is used as the sender's name.


Identifying information that is appended as a suffix to the name of the owner (the owner ID of the Control-M job). The value of this parameter will be appended to the name of the owner of the Control-M job definition. Up to 30 characters.


Global parameter. 1 through 8 characters. Name of the TCP host. Mandatory.


Class of sysout from IOAMAIL to SMTP. 1 character. This must be a JES non-held class.
Default: A


Destination for output of IOAMAIL. 1 through 8 characters.
Default: LOCAL


Location of SYSOUT. 1 through 4 characters. The SYSOUT file that is directed to the SMTP will include the value of the FORM parameter.


Determines how IOAMAIL envelopes the mail message. Valid values are:

  • IBM – Use IBM enveloping, which includes these fields:
  • MAIL FROM:<owner@smfid>
  • RCPT TO:<the recipient-address>
  • DATA: <message body>
  • CA – Use CA (Interlink or TCPAccess) enveloping, which includes these fields:
  • X-FROM: <owner@smfid>
  • X-TO: <recipient-address>


Time zone used to set message transmission time. 5 characters can be used to identify a recognizable time zone. Default: LCL (local time zone)


The AT SIGN (@) value that will be used as separator between the name and its address. It is useful when a site uses a pagecode in which the @ character is not X'7C'.


Character set For example, ISO-8859-1.


Character encoding. For example, 8.


Specifies whether Control-M will write a message to the IOA Log whenever it sends a mail message. Email can be sent via the DO EMAIL, DO SHOUT, or SHOUT WHEN statements.


  • N – Control-M does not write a log message to accompany each mail message. Default.
  • Y – Each mail that Control-M sends is associated with an IOA log message.

Table 56 Parameters in the SNMP section of the IOAPARM member




Global parameter. 1 through 8 characters. Mode of SNMP. Mandatory.

For example, SUBAGENT.


Global parameter. IP address or the host name. Mandatory.

Host name (1 through 64 characters) or IP address (standard dotted-decimal notation) of an SNMP destination.


SNMP port number (1 through 65535). If not specified, SNMP port number defaults to 162.


This field can hold up to 32 characters.

Community in Master Agent setup.

If this parameter does not appear in the MAILDEST parameter member or if it is left empty, the rule or job owner is used as the sender's name.

Figure 5 Sample MAIL section in IOAPARM


*        MAIL parameters                        


MAIL     SMTPNAME=SMTP,           Name of SMTP STC       

* The suffix of company's mail address:


* Reply-To Email Address:          


          DFLTSNDR=bmc_sender,     The default 'From' name   

          OWNRSUFX=,               To be appended to DFLTSNDR   

          HOSTNAME=MVS3,           Host Name                       

          CLASS=A,                 Class of SMTP sysout  

          DEST=LOCAL,              Destination for mail            

          FORM=,                   FORM name for sysout    

          ENVELOPE=IBM,            EMAIL format: IBM or CA      

          TIMEZONE=,               Indicates the time zone       

          ATSIGN=@,                Separator the owner from domain

          ATCHSET=ISO-8859-1,      Character set           

          ATCHENC=8                Character encoding    


Parent Topic

Message Destination Tables