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Color, Highlight and Intensity Parameters

The @STYLE, @LINE, @FIELD and @HEADER line types support COLOR, HILITE and INTENS parameters. Color takes effect on color monitors only. Highlight takes effect on both color and monochrome monitors. Intensity takes effect on monochrome monitors only.

Valid colors:

Valid highlights:

For of monochrome monitors, users can add the INTENS parameter to the @FIELD line type.

Valid intensities:

Users can create a combination of color and highlight or highlight and intensity for each field by specifying COLOR, HILITE and INTENS parameters on the same @FIELD line. The COLOR, HILITE, and INTENS parameters can all be specified on a line. Each takes effect when appropriate.

@STYLE, @LINE and @FIELD also accept COLORA and HILITEA parameters that have the same values as COLOR and HILITE, respectively. These parameters can be used to specify a set of alternate colors when displaying records: the first record on the screen is displayed with COLOR and HILITE; the second record is displayed with COLORA and HILITEA; the third record with COLOR and HILITE, and so on. This causes an alternating color effect. If COLORA and HILITEA are omitted, the alternate colors are set to the standard color values.

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