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Supporting Multiple Languages

Individual users can display the IOA and INCONTROL product interfaces (screens, help, and so on) in a language other than the primary language defined for the site. The primary language for the site is defined during IOA installation.

To set a language for a specific user, that user issues operator command:


Table 26 Fields for Supporting Multiple Languages




Language code for this user’s interface. Valid values:

  • ENG - English
  • FRA - French
  • GER - German
  • JPN - Japanese

This setting takes effect at the next IOA session and remains in effect for all subsequent IOA sessions (until a new SET LANG command is issued).

When a user selects a language that is not the primary language, a new DD statement is dynamically allocated called DALANGxxx (where xxx is the selected language). The dataset that is associated with this DD statement is prefixed DAMSGxxx. All format screens ($$xxx) and the online help text screens are read from this DD statement. Messages are read from DD statement DAMSG, which contains all necessary message libraries. The typical, compiled screens are loaded from DD statement STEPLIB.

Note: If you also want the setting to apply to messages, so that the LOG file contains messages in several different languages, you should concatenate the MSGxxx library to the DAMSG key in the IOADSNL member in the IOA PARM library.

Parent Topic

Customizing the IOA Online Environment