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This parameter indicates that restart does not begin at certain steps, specified by program name. It is generally used to prevent restart from certain steps when automatic Restart Step Adjustment is performed. It applies to all occurrences of the specified program to be executed, regardless of which job is being run.

To specify this parameter, use one of the following formats:


NONRESTART_PGM  program_name

The program_name supports masking. For example: NONRESTARTABLE_PGM NR*

As an alternative, the CTRNORST special DD statement can be included in the JCL for a job step in a job. This DD statement prevents restart from the specified job step only for the particular job. For more information see Indicating non-restartable steps: CTRNORST DD.



If, during automatic step adjustment, Control-M/Restart arrives at the step that executes program IEFBR14, it does not allow restart from that step, because this parameter defined that step as a non-restartable step. Instead, Control-M/Restart continues rolling back to the previous restartable step. If step adjustment continues to the first job step and no restart step is found, Control-M/Restart fails the job’s restart. This failure is accompanied by the CTR184S error message.

Parent Topic

Control parameters in the Control-M/Restart PARM library