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Migration to Unix File System (UFS)

To use a UNIX File System (UFS) media type, the UNIX System Services (USS) must be configured and enabled, and the Language Environment runtime libraries must be in the LINKLIST on the LPAR where Control-V runs.

Migration to UFS is useful when you want to use the NFS protocol to migrate Control-D reports to a remote filesystem mounted on a local UNIX directory (also known as a mount point). Therefore, the z/OS NFS client must be configured and active on the LPAR where Control-V runs.

From the Control-V perspective, the files migrate to a USS file system. The use of NFS is completely transparent to Control-V, since all NFS-related functionality is provided by underlying layers of the operating system. Therefore, you must define the remote filesystem and mount it with the NFS protocol to a local USS mount-point directory.

To set up for migration to UFS, you create a primary target migration directory and a secondary migration directory. You then specify these directories in Control-V using the PATHPRI and PATHSEC parameters, respectively. In both these directories, you store a file that is designed to prevent migration of reports to the local mount point directory when the remote NFS is not mounted. Specify this file in Control-V using the POOL parameter.

During file migration, the full absolute name of the migrated file is stored in the SYSDATA record. All extents of one CDAM data set are always stored into a single migrated file on UFS.

To specify permissions for the migrated files, use the FILEPERM parameter. In addition, ensure that all Control-V components that interact with UFS media run under a USER and GROUP that have full access permissions (create/write/read/delete) to the target migration folders. Also, remember that the user's UMASK value can impact file permissions for the migrated files.

To ensure high performance, set the maximum number of UFS devices that IOASMON can create, using the MAXCONN parameter.

The following table summarizes the parameters that you must specify when the target media is UFS:

Table 168a Mandatory Parameters for UFS Media




Primary target migration directory that you prepared for UFS migration, specified as an absolute path.

The path is case-sensitive and it must end with a slash. The maximum allowed length is 13 characters. You can also use UNIX symbolic links.


Secondary target migration directory that you prepared for UFS migration, specified as an absolute path.

The path is case-sensitive and it must end with a slash. The maximum allowed length is 13 characters. You can also use UNIX symbolic links.


Name of a file that you prepared and stored in both the primary and secondary target migration directories on the NFS server. Case-sensitive.

This file prevents Control-V from migrating reports to the local mount point directory when the remote NFS is not mounted.


File permissions for the migrated files, in octal notation


Maximum number of UFS devices that the IOA Archive Server Monitor (IOASMON) can create.

Parent Topic

Target Media Types