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Output from CTMDSR

CTMDSR generates the following output in the DAREPORT DD:

Here is an example of a CTMDSR report:

                 Recovery Report for SYSOUT Actions                


    From:  01/01/20,10:00                                               

    Until: 01/01/20,11:00                                               

    Log file: IOAA.MODM1.DB.LOG                                         


    Jobname    JobID      Option          FromClass    ToClass   Dest    


    MU1S2I3    J0028950   D-Delete                                       

    MU1S26Q    J0028954   C-ChangeClass   X            D                

    MU1S37C    J0028956   R-Release                                     

    MU1S40C    J0028958   R,C,N           X            A         U1234  


    End of report                                                        

    Number of SYSOUT actions in the report: 4  

In this report:

Parent Topic

CTMDSR - Recovery report for SYSOUT actions